1. What IS Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a tool to bypass the Critical Area(i.e., logical, rational) part of the mind to access the dominant Unconscious, which comprises about 90% of the mind. The Conscious Mind(often labeled “willpower”) then comprises the remaining 10%. Hypnosis is a very natural state we experience several times every single day.
2. Am I asleep when hypnotized?
I hope not! No, you are awake and aware, perhaps even more aware than usual. You will hear everything that is said.
3. Will I lose control?
No. You cannot be made to do anything in hypnosis that is against your morals, personality, or ethics. Not only isn’t it a loss of control, it’s a re-gaining of control over the misalignment between your conscious desires and your unconscious processes.
4. Can everyone be hypnotized?
Yes…even you! It is true that some individuals are “easier” to hypnotize, in that, they are more suggestible to more types of suggestions. However, everyone is suggestible to something. We all daydream, lose ourselves in movies/books/tasks/etc., and therefore, CAN be hypnotized. And, the type of hypnosis used here is a kind of conversational hypnosis, where it often seems like you're just having a deep conversation about your issue and goal. It's found that rarely are very "deep" trances needed for profound change.
5. What will it be like, or feel like when I am hypnotized?
Everyone experiences hypnosis differently. Some people experience their body feeling lighter, for some it feels pleasantly heavy, and for others they’re just relaxed with their eyes closed. Some people have very vivid sensory experiences and for others there are fewer senses involved and it’s more “intellectual.” These are all normal, appropriate, and useful hypnotic trances for positive change. Virtually everyone (and everyone I’ve had the privilege to hypnotize!) report it as being a very pleasurable, relaxing, positive experience. I liken it to a mental or emotional massage! And, as stated in the previous answer, you may often not even be aware that little trance states are happening throughout the session.
6. How many sessions does it take for me to achieve my result?
It’s different for everyone. The number of sessions is determined by how long it takes YOU specifically to achieve your desire result.
Even though hypnosis, or hypnotherapy, is considered short-term, it isn’t a magic pill. Very few people accomplish their goal in just one or two sessions. Why? Most everything you would want to work on overlaps into other areas of your life (e.g., weight loss, career success, etc.). Each session we start from "what is your problem?" and work from there. Repetition is very important, as well as being very clear on the desired outcome.
The thing is, other than sometimes experiencing a pleasant feeling right after being hypnotized, you may not feel any different once you have your result. You are the same you, it’s just that now you find it easier to make certain food choices, aren’t bothered by flying, don’t mind talking in front of a group, etc.
Obviously, you’re still you, it’s just that your unconscious mind now has better choices available to achieve the results or outcome chosen by your conscious mind.
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